Thursday, October 17, 2013

15 Year Calendar Journal

15+ year calendar journal. One card for each day of the year. Months seperated by dividers. Each year fill out something that happened on that day. All calendars vary a little in the design of the dividers. I can send more pictures of other divider designs if interested. These are $30.00 each. They would be a great Christmas gift for someone. The gift that keeps giving! And so many memories in one neat little package.

(example: Sept 4th
2004 : Baby Emmie arrived at 4:15am!
2005: Emmie and Mom go to lunch with Grandma!
2006: Moving day and Birthday party today!)

I have a few different divider options. The divider goes between each month to keep them organized. I have 2 sets of each of the ones that follow and will put up new options as I get them. 

Each day has "vintage-y" type stamp with each month and date on them.  Each calendar is a little different. This particular one is a larger index card with the lines on the back, but some have the lines on the front. 

This divider series is called "School"

This series is called Purple/Oranges 

This one is called "Words"

This is "Stripes"

This one is "Flowers"
 If interested in purchasing one please email me at!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Peeked Baby Blankets

I don't know about you but this time of year always make's me want to snuggle up my little ones with a cozy blanket, put my feet up and watch a  movie. A friend of my Moms made me a Smurf peeked edge baby blanket when I was a wee one and I still have it. My mom started, years ago, to make them for all the wee bairn's she knew and then grandchildren and great nieces and nephews. When I started having friends with kids I started making then and I can't seem to stop! I love making these blankets! (I know, lots of exclamation points, but I really do love making these things). I love to think of the babies that are going to be loved and snuggled in them. If you are interested in one, let me know. Send me a comment below. They are $25.00 each and $4.00 S&H. They all vary in size a little and are made with a crib safe batting.  I will be posting pictures of some that I am working on soon and as I make them I will post them! Thanks for your interest and come back soon. We have lots more fun things coming. Including some yummy yummy treats.

Here is a picture of my little one's snuggling their new baby sister (who is now 5 :) ). Don't they look so cozy? ;)